19 June 2007

Icon improvements for Ubuntu Dapper/Edgy

Figure 1: Before

Figure 2: After

Background info:
Basically, the Human icon theme is somewhat incomplete on earlier versions of Ubuntu. From time to time, it invokes various default GNOME icons (mostly in GTK icons- folders and documents appear sound). Personally, I find these icons to be ugly. I chose to replace them with the much more aesthetically-pleasing Tango GTK icons. It's actually quite simple.

1. Install the Tango icon theme
# sudo aptitude install tango-icon-theme tango-icon-theme-common

2. Download the 'iconimprov' script in this archive
3.'cd' to the directory containing the archive (probably
$ cd Desktop
4. Extract the script from the archive
$ tar -xf iconimprov.tar.gz

5. Make the script executable
$ chmod +x iconimprov

6. Run the script as root
# sudo ./iconimprov

Now when you use the Human icon theme, you will have pretty Tango GTK buttons instead of the GNOME ones from 1995.

To undo this, simply re-install the default Ubuntu artwork
# sudo aptitude reinstall ubuntu-artwork

I've only tested the script on my computer. If for some reason it doesn't work for you, here is a list of commands that you can run manually to achieve the same effect.

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